Thursday, November 27, 2014

they haven't finished working on them yet

The servers aren't up because they haven't finished working on them yet. Mystery solved.

They never give us that sort of information and it's silly for you to expect it. It's doubly silly for world of Warcraft po you to criticize a helpful post, just because it's not helpful to you and you're (likely) throwing or close to throwing a tantrum about downtime.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I think this is a fundamental issue

can we get a recycle of failed missions after a day or two; especially the missions in which you gain a follower i am missing one on a few of my 12 garrisons follwers due to mission fail. I would be ok even if they are recycled after a wk or so.

Ty and having a blast!
I think this is a fundamental Can the mission randomizer be smarter about coming up with "appropriate" missions?

For example, if the level distribution of available missions matched the level distribution of players' followers, this would have been much less of a problem.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

when it gets rated up or down far enough

If you click the down rank icon on the right it gives you an option to report the post.

As a suggestion I think it might be better to add that to the up-ranking icon instead as a separate option.
    when it gets rated up or down far enough,World of Warcraft Gold it either goes away or gets a high-rated feature text added.

I wish there was a way to see its current status as far as likes versus dislikes.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

I assume Outland is safe

Which zones does he strafe? I assume all of the old world zones, but does he also fly over the new zones? What about Northrend?
or wow
I assume Outland is safe...
As much as I like this, it shouldn't be so hard to experience I think. Why not let more people see your cool stuff, and not make people have to wait in a zone until it happens? (booooring)

Monday, November 17, 2014

it is now through the whole expansion?

Something i'm wondering, is, will orgrimmar (and any other places) stay the way it is now through the whole expansion? or will they patch in the unfinished buildings?

It seems garrosh is still in wow po the process of rebuilding it, could it be completed by the end of the expansion?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

thing specifically states

I believe the rep thing specifically states that it replaces rep gained. In Northrend I believe rep was only gained on "level 80" dungeons. That makes it N HoL, N Oculus, N ToC, N ICC 5mans, and Heroics. I would try those and see if they work.

At least, that's how wow or the Northrend tabards worked, so I assume they probably work off the same code.

Monday, November 10, 2014

most of you missed the point

To be honest, most of you missed the point. I too came across the announcement today on my Warrior alt, what he's trying to say is the Game makes a big deal of flashing it across your screen, saying you have access to glyphs. Said noobie then proceeds to the AH wondering what Glyphs their could be and is met with Glyphs of the appropriate level po wow (25) with buyouts in excess of 75 gold each. Eventually the noobie will forget about Glyphs, and will lose out on some of the neat advantages some of them grant.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

that point is gona be a pain

I think blizzard should reverse their thinking some. If healing is as horrible at 85 from what im hearing... then something has to be done to allow the player base to get through the content more easily. Noone is in teir gear for that lvl yet and getting people to that point is gona be a pain.

Personally i'd love to so them acheter wow po nerf the mana cost of the spells some while nerfing the overall healing potential. There should be a middle ground where u can spam heals for different effects or set ups. For instance greater heal could keep the same healing power coefficients while say flash heal with reduced mana cost and time to cast heals for much much lower values. I think the main issue is if you are running an instance with little knowledge of how or when the incoming damage is gona hit our first response is to top of the tanks. This way a "mini" heal would be ok and the use of the larger heals reserved for the actually damage hit. As it is now healing feels very clunky and non responsive without ooming ourselves

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

he could be a blue like he’s me

“Hello, ladies, look at your toon, now back to me, now back at your toon, now back to me.

Sadly, he isn’t a blue, but if he stopped using some regular account and switched to a blue account, he could be a blue like he’s me.

Look down, back up, where are you? You’re on a zeppelin with the blue your toon could raid like.

What’s in your hand, back at me.acheter wow gold I have it, it’s an epic with over9000 of that stat you love.

Look again, the epic are now A LENGENDARY. Anything is possible when your WoW toon is a blue and not a regular account toon.

I'm on a dragon"

Sunday, November 2, 2014

However with the time it currently is

He has sent an email. However with the time it currently is, and the hollidays, I don't see them rushing to allieviate the situation when they have other issues happening as well. I do believe he is going to try to call them tomorrow. What bothers us the most is the fact that blizz states on their page that if your account is banned,World of Warcraft(EUR) they send you an email stating the charges or reason for the ban. He has recieved no such email. Tomorrow he and I actually have a day off together (which we never have) and had planned on playing for quite a while tonight. Lol guess not now.