Monday, December 29, 2014

So instead of looking for ways

So instead of looking for ways to make boring repetitive unrewarding parts of gameplay that players look for ways to avoid more exciting you are simply going to take away their options to avoid the boring repetitive unrewarding gameplay.
wow po
Yeah that will go over great. /rollseyes

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Wow are all you people just pessimistic

Wow are all you people just pessimistic and assume that things won't ever change?

I've had this argument with wow gold fr someone twice in one week now. They are moving away from random one shots.

"Burst windows" does not mean one shot. It means burst which varies in strength from expansion to expansion.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Hotfixes for December 18

Another round of hotfixes has been released this evening. Along with a few class balance changes, here are some highlights:
  • [Requires a realm restart.] Socrethar's Demise: Resolved an issue that could cause Socrethar to become unattackable.or world of Warcraft
  • Primal Spirits should now be dropping more frequently while harvesting mineral and herb nodes outside of the Garrison, from Skinning, and in a satchel obtained by completing the daily Fishing quest from the Garrison Fishing Shack.
  • World Shrinker's effect is now removed when mounting up.
You can find the full list below.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

when you get turned into an amber construct

Which I use in DBM on amber shaper unsok to basically fix bad fight design. You see, when you get turned into an amber construct, the game is bogged down with low performance and a Ui NIGHTMARE tornado of nameplates for players, pets, totems, guardians. DBM handles this grievous bad encounter design by auto hiding nameplates when you are turned into a construct and then reshow them when you become human again.
**DBM did this smart and World of Warcraft Gold in a way so that you still had nameplates for amber shaper, oozes, and other constructs. It wasn't a simple matter of just hitting V in combat and turning all plates on or off. or just friendly plates on or off. There will be no substitute to DBM's work around in 5.4.8 with these changes. :\

God knows what this will do to 3rd party nameplate addons too.

I am aware there is a particular UI mod out there that uses showing/hiding of nameplates to detect casts for auto interrupting that can be abused in pvp. However, there has to be a way to fix that problem without breaking other mods.

Monday, December 15, 2014

everything but one item on this toon

I had everything but one item on this toon. I did not have the spineclaw crab pet, I had that on a different toon on a different realm.

So I log onto that other of Warcraft po. getting some valor and I think, 'Oh, I should log onto Endaira and finally get the bigger bag achieve'... I log onto Endaira, don't get it, check the achievement progress and now I have NO progress towards it even...

Hopefully this can be fixed because it's making me really worried that it even lost my progress on the achievement...

Thursday, December 11, 2014

To all of you that are in here

To all of you that are in here, tearing Blizzard a new one: This question was NOT directed at you - you already know how to play these classes optimally. It was directed at the people who had never played that class before. As mentioned in every one of those videos, acheter wow gold they were the VERY BASIC, Blizzard-intended rotations for every one of those classes/specs - a rotation that should always be followed. Of course there are additional abilities each class/spec has to use to be OPTIMAL and talents and glyphs that should be used to enhance their characters even more.

My opinion is that these videos are great as a starter (to make sure you're doing your rotation correctly at the core), and other web sites should be consulted in order to optimize your character, including what cooldowns and extra abilities should be used and when.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

an hour is overkill

30 minute CD is fine, an hour is overkill, especially awkward when having to refresh at the end of the hour buff.

World PVP was fun while it lasted I guess,wow gold I'm glad I finished my title before you gutted the only open PVP left in the game.

EDIT: The Oath shouldn't trigger from HK's, you can go into an IoC and get 500 HK's a game, that's ridiculous.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

kicked while fiting or caryin flag

wat about if everyone in the bg doeznt like u so they all report u afk

and you'l end up bein kicked while fiting or caryin flag

any way to adres tat
I think they will regret this wow gold fr for regular bgs. I fully expect a mass exodus of toons from regular bgs once it's clear who will win, which will of course mean a bunch of other players get pushed into losing bgs, which means they will likely leave and take their 5 minute penalty as well ...

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

You ought to use Twitter for announcements

You ought to use Twitter for announcements and the forums for public relations.

You can make Twitter as blunt as you want it to be. Don't defend yourself there.

Take over the forums so or world of Warcraft you have presence. Its less work to pop in unannounced.

You ought to look into devising methods to navigate through similar thread topics.

Monday, December 1, 2014

there is no longer any shader model

Hoorah, there is no longer any shader model 3.0-class hardware that meets the minimum requirements!

Now I'm wondering if DirectX 9 po world of Warcraft support will be axed altogether when the next expansion rolls around.