Sunday, September 28, 2014

they deserve to flounder a bit

It's not really research, it's just a few minutes of reading and some judgments based on what you read vs your own experience. You pick up the basics naturally for the most part and outside sources just help you sharpen that to a level good enough to participate in a end game heroic/raid.

If you're skilled you can pick or wow it all up yourself, but since not many possess that level of ability there's mountains of info just waiting to be given a glance. The mark of a good player is a desire to improve and if people find reading something easily found and taking less then 10 minutes to improve their play then well, they deserve to flounder a bit.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

character as the Scarab Lord?

If the role of the player was so important, we'd see more player characters or guilds that have achieved world/realm-firsts as being the ones mentioned in lore. As the OP stated, a perfect example was the Scarab Lord; why not make the official lore have a player's character as the Scarab Lord?

This would help make the game feel acheter wow gold like what players did mattered and lead to more recognition for those who achieve the world-firsts (not using Saronite Bombs, of course).

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

sentiment shared throughout the community

We recognize it's not the most elegant solution. Ideally we wouldn't offer greater incentives to one player over another based purely on the class role they each fulfill. That said, the disparity in queue times was unacceptable in our eyes, and we saw that sentiment shared throughout the community.

Perhaps there are better ways for wow po online us to lower queue times without having to offer additional rewards to the class role in highest demand in the Dungeon Finder, but Call to Arms is a feature we were able to develop in a much more reasonable time frame.

Do we like that your only reward from the Call to Arms feature is a shorter queue time? No. But then, if the queue times were more equal for each class role, we wouldn't have added Call to Arms in the first place.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

they have very good reasons to do so

Class designers read these forums. I've seen them doing so. I've seen such at all hours of the week. They have very good reasons to do so.

Players should want the most direct line possible to the designers, since what we're talking about is communicating data and opinion on the game.

Anything that gets in the way of that communication should be stuff that most everyone wants removed, because doing so improves the signal. Ranting, contending that we don't understand a class,online wow po bumping, petitions... all have the effect of interfering with getting valuable feedback to the only people in the world who can actually do something about it.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

the easy mode Death Strike talent

In general we like designs like this a lot. The challenge is that WoW is a game where you are tanking for a group, so there is a substantial social dynamic at play. We don't want things to play out is like this: "Oh, look, our DK tank has the easy mode Death Strike talent. Ergo, he's a bad tank. Let's kick him and get a good one."

Never mind that the DK in question probably tanks better with the "automatic" Death Strike rather than fumbling wow gold through the "manual" one. Never mind that the difference between the two is probably not going to make the difference between success or failure unless you are on Heroic raids (in which case why on earth do you have a pug tank?)

Obviously we shouldn't design around misinformation. But at the same time, social pressure is really powerful. If the active / harder-to-use / more pro mode of Death Strike becomes the only acceptable standard, then we haven't accomplished anything but complicate the game.

It's something to think about at least. ;)

Monday, September 15, 2014

boss that you're looking at

Do you see the little difficulty button near the top right corner of the window? It should look like a skull. If so, try clicking it to switch the Dungeon Journal to heroic difficulty for the ZA/ZG boss that you're looking at.

ZA/ZG are heroic-only, and you may have it set to normal.
If that doesn't work for you, please open a support request ticket.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

make sure that every class has their own version of that ability

A great recipe for class homogenization is to go down the list of every ability and make sure that every class has their own version of that ability. We don’t think powerful self-healing is mandatory for every character. Some classes are inherently better at it than others. As long as the overall package is competitive, it’s okay for specs or classes to have strengths and weaknesses. If the overall package isn’t competitive, we’ll certainly hear about it.

Our definition of hybrid class is a wow gold fr class that has a tank or healing spec. We don’t spend much effort to make sure that the DPS specs of hybrid classes are more “hybridy” than the DPS specs of mage, warlock, rogue or hunter. Sometimes hybrid DPS specs might be able to throw out a heal, but unless used very strategically, those contributions are often in the rounding error of the healing provided by the dedicated healers. And when DPS specs are healing themselves (Frost and Unholy DKs before 4.2) or others (Ret paladins before 4.1) too much, we take action there as well. So it’s not a priority for us that Balance druids are great healers. We recognized going into Cataclysm that rogues had a lot of down time while solo, that they didn’t have many options for spending combo points after a target died prematurely, and that too much rogue survivability was based around crowd controlling an opponent. Thus we thought there was a need for Recuperate. If Balance druids have similar challenges, then we’d look for solutions for them as well, but they would hopefully be unique or at least kit-appropriate solutions.

Monday, September 8, 2014

WoW's Gelotological Effects on Social Media

Many of your kin in the community have taken up an educational, albeit humorous game within the Twitter space. If you're up for taking your Warcraft-related analyses and crafting some clever subject wowgold lines for those assertions, I invite you to join in here. Let's hear your fake Warcraft thesis.

You can also join the ongoing Twitter conversation. We're featuring some of our favorite #FakeWarcraftThesis tweets here:!/search/%23fakewarcraftthesis%20from%3Awarcraft

It's just good fun, friends. That's why we're all here.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

obtain in a single Darkmoon Faire week

Thanks everyone for your feedback. To hopefully clear up some of the confusion over time investment vs reward costs we've broken down exactly how many tickets you can obtain in a single Darkmoon Faire week. The design intent of the Darkmoon Faire is that it’s available for one week out of the month, and in that one week we expect you to be able to obtain a significant amount of tickets. To clarify the OP’s point of how long it would take to obtain an entire set of cosmetic gear, the math presented was incorrect,po wow and it would in fact only take 4 Darkmoon Faire weeks to complete an entire set. That’s of course still no quick task, and the intent is not for it to be. There are plenty of rewards that can be obtained in one or two weeks of the Darkmoon Faire, but we expect that an entire set will take a few events to obtain.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Even More (Another 100,000) Beta Invites

We heard you like invites so we put an invite in your invite so you can beta while you beta.

This is a short but sweet update euwowgold that we're sending an additional 100,000 invites out tonight, for a total of 200,000 Mists of Pandaria invites being sent out today. Again, it will take a while for the invites to process so we recommend keeping an eye on your games list through Account Management, as we expect invites to continue going out into the wee hours of the night and into tomorrow.

For more information on the invite process as a whole please refer back to today's earlier announcement:

Monday, September 1, 2014

PAX Prime begins this Friday in Seattle

PAX Prime begins this Friday in Seattle, WA, and with all of the madness that’s sure to ensue we’d be remiss if we didn’t make a cameo of our own. We do hope you’ll come visit Bashiok and me at the Intel booth, and Nethaera and Vaeflare at the NVIDIA booth. You can’t miss us. We’ll be the bright-eyed idealists ready to share a conversation or two.

In addition to what Intel and NVIDIA have planned, we’ll have hundreds of Mists of Pandaria beta keys to randomly giveaway, as well as playable demos at both booths! We look forward to meeting wow po with those of you attending. All Seattle’s a stage.

Follow us on Twitter to see what we’re up to and chat with us during the festivities:


View the full event map (Intel booth 6109; NVIDIA booth 3747).