Friday, February 6, 2015

Interesting choices can offer depth

"Interesting choices can offer depth and complexity without needing to be numerous and overwhelming for the sake of being overwhelming."

Why not offer more depth and complexity for the sake of making a better game? It's not simply for the sake of being overwhelming.
or wow
I play WoW because it is complex and deep, and more complexity and depth would only make the game even more enjoyable for me. Surely I can't be the only one who feels this way. At the same time I understand this complexity may confuse some. Is there not a way to both make the game more complex and deep, while making it possible to engage in only some of the choices for those who do not want the game to be so complex?

For example, rather than removing secondary stats, make them far less effective, i.e., reduce by 75%, so while the game remains deep, if people do not want to engage in that depth, they are only very minimally affected.

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