Saturday, May 30, 2015

LOL i am from skullcrusher and its already World of Warcraft Gold

LOL i am from skullcrusher and its already a horde mob fest the solution is push this crappy ratio onto even more people and make the problem even more obvious? What exactly is this supposed to be fixing? There are countless other realms out there with opposite ratio that would actually make sense to merge and we get another horde heavy realm why?World of Warcraft Gold

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Once we got to Thok it was a horror show

Once we got to Thok it was a horror show. Even when people stopped dying to Thok hungie in p2, beating the soft enrage timer was a massive pain and actually asking Flex healers to delay p1 when the damage output/interupts is almost the same as normal is quite hilarious. or wow When it started getting late and after multiple wipes we decided to remove the lowest DPSers and Healers and did it as a 20m. We 1 shot it with ease. The HPS/Coordination requirement for p1, and the general DPS requirement for the fight is overtuned for Flex. Like I said we easily beat it once we kicked our Friends who weren't doing enough damage/healing but that shouldn't be Flex is about. We easily beat the hard enrage timers for the 2 previous fights yet struggled hard on Thok, seems like a scaling issue.

Thok gets harder the more people you invite

Thok gets harder the more people you invite, a lot harder.

We had a full 25man guild run (most of our 2 10mans were there with random friends in the guild and others outside the guild), most of us are overgeared for it for sure, but Im no asking for buffs to fights, I think they are all tuned pretty well. But this is how our run went.
or wow
Malkorok after a couple of tries easily beating the enrage timer, and not even close to the 2nd Blood rage.

Spoils was next and we managed to 1 shot with tons of time to spare.

There seems to be more people playing

There seems to be more people playing and enjoying this game right now, and more runs for me to do on my alts while I wait for Connected Realms (coming soon™ - don't get me started). And that is because of Flex. Thank you. Now, please take it seriously. And address concerns about it seriously so that it sticks around.
or wow
And for the love of Yogg-Saron, if you are going to respond to my post, for once please do not try to explain your way out of it. Just simply apologize for a slip up. Maybe it was just a poor choice of wording. Say you are sorry for having implied that Flex is not important to some people and let's move on. Otherwise, just ignore my post. Thanks!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

I'm glad they are meshing horde heavy realm

I'm glad they are meshing horde heavy realms with horde heavy realms. Perhaps it will result in there being an alliance heavy realm to combine with Destromath. We need some freakin' balance. wow po

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How healthy is Blackrocks Horde population?

How healthy is Blackrocks Horde population? Last I recall it was a very healthy realm, so basing it off my own recollection it's not likely to be connected to anyone. if correct would seem to suggest it won't be connected. wow or

Friday, May 15, 2015

One if the most memorable WoW quests

One if the most memorable WoW quests complete with one of the most memorable pets. I just remember people po wow entering raids and there would be like five of them at once. Glorious I say.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

I can maybe see Goblins not needing an update

I can maybe see Goblins not needing an update, and absolutely agree that Pandaren are amazing as they are.

But the Worgen Female, if nothing else, deserves a look. The goblin female has a ton of different facial meshes, rather than just textures, and she's really great. The males are really good, too. I'm not sure that they're quite as expressive as the Pandaren, but Goblins are nice.
acheter wow po
Worgen Female needs an update more than some older races like Draenei/BE do. There's something really off about them and they're creepy, and not because they're essentially werewolves. They have next to no face options, no real hair options, no expressiveness at all to their faces, which is unnerving given the relatively high quality mesh and textures -- compared to the old races, not so much goblins or pandaren -- they're just in that odd perpetual snarl. The only thing less expressive in the game is Jaina's current utterly unmoving face (again, unnerving). I hate to say this, as I have nothing but respect for your art team (they do some lovely work), but Worgen seem rushed and/or unfinished. Which really wouldn't surprise me if it was a bit rushed given how quickly this model came out after the first model. And since you're redoing sounds for the races, Worgen could use a look there, too.