Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Once we got to Thok it was a horror show

Once we got to Thok it was a horror show. Even when people stopped dying to Thok hungie in p2, beating the soft enrage timer was a massive pain and actually asking Flex healers to delay p1 when the damage output/interupts is almost the same as normal is quite hilarious. or wow When it started getting late and after multiple wipes we decided to remove the lowest DPSers and Healers and did it as a 20m. We 1 shot it with ease. The HPS/Coordination requirement for p1, and the general DPS requirement for the fight is overtuned for Flex. Like I said we easily beat it once we kicked our Friends who weren't doing enough damage/healing but that shouldn't be Flex is about. We easily beat the hard enrage timers for the 2 previous fights yet struggled hard on Thok, seems like a scaling issue.

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