Sunday, August 31, 2014

As Mists of Pandaria continues to unravel its mysteries

As Mists of Pandaria continues to unravel its mysteries, there are bound to be a few bugs that crop up from time to time and we’re working diligently on getting each one addressed. For the pet battlers among you, here are some of the hotfixes we’ve recently applied to the game:

[09/28/2012] A bug has been fixed that caused turn inputs to sometimes be skipped, causing only one pet to take action that turn
[09/28/2012] Conceding in a random PVP Pet Battle should now count as a loss
[09/28/2012] State-dependent abilities should no longer have their effects reversed (example: Maul should correctly require that the target be Bleeding)
[09/29/2012] Many balance changes have been implemented (example: Build Turret now has a 2-round cooldown, up from 1) -- A full list of recent balance changes can be found here.
[10/05/2012] Issues relating to wow gold certain Pet Battles achievements have been hotfixed and should be functioning correctly across factions.

In addition, we’re investigating a possible issue with traps not upgrading and will get it resolved as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your continued feedback and bug reports. We appreciate your enthusiasm for this new feature, as well as the time you’ve taken to discuss the Pet Battle system!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

increased by earning a higher Arena Team rating

There has been some confusion lately regarding how Conquest Points are intended to be capped by the way that they’re earned. Conquest Point caps are divided into three categories.

    Rated Battlegrounds – The default Conquest Point cap for Rated Battlegrounds is set at 1650, and this can be raised with an increased Rated Battlegrounds rating. This cap is higher by default to reflect the greater challenges presented by organizing and participating in Rated Battlegrounds.
    Arenas – The default Conquest Point cap for Arenas is 1350, and this can be increased by earning a higher Arena Team rating.
    Random Battlegrounds – The default Conquest Point cap for points earned from doing Random Battlegrounds is actually dependent on the other two. It will rise to match whichever of the other two Conquest Point caps is lower. For example: if a player does no Rated Battlegrounds, but has raised their weekly Conquest Point cap to 2000 via a high Arena Team Rating, then the Random Battlegrounds cap will be 1650 to match the cap provided wow po by Rated Battlegrounds.

It’s important to note that this is not a recent change. This capping system has been in place since World of Warcraft: Cataclysm patch 4.2. A recent hotfix resolved an issue that allowed players to gain Conquest Points via random Battlegrounds up to the higher of the two point caps, which was not intended.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I don't think this buff is working

        So um... I don't think this buff is working. I turned in a shado-pan daily and still got the usual 275 reputation instead of 100% more. I'm revered, yes.

    Did you purchase AND use the Grand Commendation from the Shado-Pan quartermaster?

This is what you'll need to open up the benefits to all your characters on your account (e.g. Grand Commendation of the Order of the Cloud Serpent).

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Your Developer Interview Druthers

I'm in the process of scheduling fansite interviews with our developers to cover patch 5.2 content and design, and I'm curious what formats and topics are most popular among the community. In addition to this simple poll on preferred format, please elaborate on what you think makes for a successful (or unsuccessful) interview. Some examples:

    What topics interest you most? wow or (i.e. systems, encounters, lore, content, art, sound, etc.)
    Why do you prefer the format you voted on?
    What sites or podcasts are your primary sources of WoW news?
    What sites or podcasts have conducted the most compelling interviews in the past?
    In a single interview do you most prefer one-on-one, multiple people asking questions, or multiple developers answering questions?

Keep in mind this is specifically about press/fansite interviews with developers, and not public Q&As. The two euwowgold aren't mutually exclusive and we'd like to host another developer Q&A in the near future.

Your feedback will help me assess our resources and determine a solid 5.2 interview strategy. Much appreciated!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Dawn of the Aspects Part V Excerpt

Dawn of the Aspects Part V releases June 17, and we’re happy to be able to share with you an exclusive first read from the last chapter of this epic digital-pentalogy.

I am only a proto-dragon! The thought jolted through Malygos with such force that Kalec also felt the flash of fear. Still, all Malygos had to do was look at Neltharion and the rest—who, in turn,po wow waited for his word—to know that there was no retreating from his dominant role.

But there was another who seemed willing to help take much of the burden from him. He looked to Alexstrasza.

She already appeared to understand his concern. With a brief, solemn glance at Malygos, Alexstrasza immediately focused on Neltharion. "How do your kind fight? Tell us… show us."

Neltharion bared his teeth in a reptilian grin. He spread his wings and began to display the fighting skills of his family—

The vision shifted, but while Kalec would have liked to know more about the abilities of the other four, he was not surprised about the change. In fact, for the first time, the blue dragon felt comfortable with the shift. He did not see that this might not be a good sign for him.

The scene before him could not be taking place all that long after the previous one. The five remained in the mountains, but now they perched atop part of a crooked peak, watching and waiting.

But the sky remained conspicuously devoid of a creature so vast he could hardly be hiding. There were also no signs of the undead, which disturbed the group's leader.

"Where is Galakrond?" Malygos growled. "Where?" He stretched his wings restlessly before finally understanding what wow gold they had to do. "Must bring him to us! Must let him know about us!"

He let out a roar. As he expected, it echoed throughout the mountains. Yet to his ears, it did not sound nearly loud enough.

Before Malygos could suggest it, Alexstrasza raised her head and repeated his call. The other three imitated her, all five within seconds shouting as one.

The echoes of their combined cries resounded, even building as they rushed away from their source. As loud as they were, it would still have been impossible for most normal proto-dragons to hear them unless they were within two or three hours' flight away.

But then, there was nothing normal anymore about Galakrond.

Thunder rose in the east, thunder with an oddly regular pattern.

No, not thunder, Malygos finally deduced. Only the beating of very, very large wings.

And as the rest of the five turned in that direction, the heavens there darkened.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

popped up on the PTR in the first place

Here’s a little more insight into our thinking here (and why the changes even popped up on the PTR in the first place):

We have a few concerns with how Fire is playing out at the moment. Fire scales incredibly well with gear, and we’re worried that they’ll end up doing way too much damage in high end gear. However, we’re trying to avoid just nerfing Fire’s scaling, as that would unfairly hurt any Fire mage who ISN’T in high-end gear.

We’re also worried that Fire po wow is leaning too heavily on perfect cooldown usage. It’s awesome when a highly-skilled player is able to use all of their abilities to the fullest and be rewarded with a little extra damage. It’s significantly less awesome when failing to do so results in a massive loss of DPS. At the moment, Fire is extremely dependent on lining up all of your cooldowns (most notably Alter Time and Presence of Mind) to score massive Combustion damage. If you pull it off, you’re rewarded with a lot of damage. Mess it up, and your performance suffers dramatically. We’d like to tone down the differences between those high and low ends a bit.

We also think that Presence of Mind in particular is just too important to Fire right now. There’s really no choice in that tier – PoM is just too good compared to the other options. We want talents to be a choice.

Those are the issues we’d like to fix, and why the earlier changes hit the PTR to begin with. We may try other methods, or we may decide to just leave things alone for 5.4, but we do want to fix them.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Preparing for Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar

The date for patch 5.4 is stated here in this awesome article by Daxxarri. (Incidentally, you should check it out and prepare for the patch.)

Preparing for Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar

World of Warcraft Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar wow po will be upon us on September 10. To help you prepare, we’ve provided an overview of vital information you need to know so things go smoothly when patch day arrives.

Monday, August 18, 2014

We all do this to some degree every day

One cause is a cognitive bias called projection bias. Essentially living inside your own head your entire life makes it exceedingly difficult to understand how others do not also live your same life, think your same thoughts, and hold your same beliefs. In many cases it's quite frustrating to try to empathize and understand why you yourself may not be the center of the universe, which generally results in one 'acting out' in various ways. We're all guilty of this behavior. There are also brain-chemical reasons that exist to help us form tighter bonds with those like us (safety in numbers), but be antagonistic against those not like us (self preservation).wow or We all do this to some degree every day.

So, in short: the internet.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

WoW Arena Invitational at BlizzCon

No need for alarm – we’ll be hotfixing Dampening back to a 10-minute start time (with Arena matches ending euwowgold at 20 minutes).

As you might be aware, the WoW Arena Invitational at BlizzCon was configured to have Dampening begin at 5 minutes,wow po with a 15-minute round timer. Those changes were intended solely for BlizzCon, but made it over to live servers as part of the 5.4.2 patch. Again, this was unintentional, and we’ll be hotfixing things back to normal ASAP.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

give some insight into our thinking

Casting on the move is something we've talked about a lot, and we're definitely making some changes along those lines. I don't have any details I can share at this point, but I can at least give some insight into our thinking.

We like casting on the move, but not as a default. Spiritwalker's Grace is a good example of something we like; used intelligently, it can be very strong, and it feels good to use. On the other hand, Lightning Bolt always being castable on the move we're less excited about. You don't feel smart or skilled for using Lightning Bolt while you're euwowgold moving, it's just sort of a free bonus that we're not sure is really needed.

Things like Kil'Jaeden's Cunning fall somewhere in the middle. The effect is similar to Lightning Bolt in that it's always active and you don't really have to think about it. However, you are effectively giving up either Archimonde's Darkness or Mannoroth's Fury in order to take it. Whether or not that's enough of a tradeoff is something we're discussing, but we have seen a lot more Warlocks giving up KJC for something else since Patch 5.4.

It's also important to note that the ability to use a cast-time spell while moving is only part of the gold In fact, while there's only a couple of classes that can do that, almost everyone has some number of instant cast spells they can use while moving. To really start shoring up the differences here, we need to reduce the number of instant cast spells as well. That includes healers.

We're still iterating rapidly on all of this, so anything can change at any point, but that's what we're currently thinking.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Druid 6.0 Patch Note Preview

To equalize utility between classes we have removed the Druid’s fifth spec.
Symbiosis now also inherits all raid and boss lockouts from the target.
Chatting while in Cat Form will now be presented with poor spelling, in all caps, using the Impact gold
Druids in Bear Form now receive a bonus to Fishing.
Druids in Moonkin Form are now 50% more delicious. As always, we recommend Free Range Moonkin whenever available.
Tree of Life form now has a healing penalty during Autumn and Winter.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Crash Course Videos Poll

Our new level-90 Crash Course videos were posted last week which are designed to help newly boosted characters get wow po a basic idea of where to begin; narrated by our lovely and talented Lore. If you haven’t seen them yet, check out our blog where you can find links to each video.

The question we have for you: Which Crash Course video did you find to be the most helpful?

Monday, August 11, 2014

Cracking Karazhan

Azeroth’s mightiest protectors have defeated a seemingly endless procession of memorable foes over the years, and while the legions of heroes have since moved on to more pressing threats, those old foes from the past still brood in their lairs. There they sit, lording over their loot, agonizing over their defeats, just waiting for a chance to unleash vengeance. And you can head back into their strongholds to put them back in their place.

We’d like to help those who have never given taking on an older raid a shot to feel more comfortable exploring the older content. Even if visiting and looting these locales is old hat, you might still find something of value within. If you’ve never given it a try at all, there are actually plenty of good reasons to visit older instances:

    Lore - Running past raids and dungeons is a great way to catch up on lore and have experiences that you might otherwise have missed.
    Transmogrification - Even if the gear itself doesn’t offer any power to a max-level character, set pieces and random drops from older raids can fill out your wardrobe of Transmogrification po wow items quite nicely.
    Pets – A number of older bosses now have a chance to drop Battle Pets that you can collect or cage and sell.
    Mounts - Many players dive into old raids specifically to pick up rare mounts, such as the much sought after Ashes of A’lar.

Tip: Keep in mind that some mounts, such as Mimiron’s head, will only drop from specific versions of an encounter or when certain conditions are fulfilled, so be sure to read up and plan accordingly!

    Reputations - Some players use old school raids as a way to bolster their list of Exalted reputations for achievement titles such as Exalted and Beloved.
    Fun - Perhaps most importantly, wow gold it can be great fun to explore the environments that are featured in older content, or play up the fantasy of being the lone adventurer exploring an enemy’s fortress, facing down hordes of bad guys, and standing against the odds to defeat a great evil. Often music and environments are exclusive to certain Raids, and there’s nothing quite like experiencing the art in its original context. Going it alone can also allow you to take your time and let you to take in the sights when that isn’t always possible if a group is waiting on you.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

How would you describe the zone’s ambience? What’s it like?

Kurt Sparkuhl: It feels like old Nagrand. Out of all the zones, it’s the one that’s supposed to feel the most familiar. When Draenor became Outland, Nagrand was probably the area affected least by the world breaking apart. Now you’ll see all these big canyons and rocky outcroppings all over the zone, implying that after the big explosion happened and Draenor turned into Outland, those floating islands were kind of what was left of those big ridges. There was a conscious effort to make it feel familiar to some extent, while still creating something new.

Eric Maloof: You’ll encounter a lot of new points of interest in this version of Nagrand. There are some things that are no longer there, too—Halaa and Garadar, for example, don’t exist. These wow gold were created after Outland became what it did. Highmaul takes up a large portion of the zone, and it houses a Raid instance as well. It’s massive.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

world of warcraft patch about Unholy Changes

In order to better balance the scaling rates and value of secondary stats for Unholy Death Knights, we reduced the power of their passive Unholy Might ability, and added a new passive ability to make Multistrike more effective.

    Necrosis is a new passive wow po ability for Unholy Death Knights.
        Necrosis causes Multistrikes from Festering Strike, Pestilence, Plague Strike, Scourge Strike, and Soul Reaper to also deal a burst of Shadow damage. The amount of burst damage is based on Attack Power, not the damage from the triggering Multistrike.
    Unholy Might now increases Strength by 10% (down from 35%).

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Spend your gold to get the Alliance Chopper in Warlords

Alliance chopper
In a move that will come as a surprise to absolutely no one, the losing bike design from Azeroth Choppers will in fact be added to the game. Currently, the winning Horde-themed bike will be given, for free, to any account that logs into the game before World of Warcraft(EUR) September 30th. The Alliance bike, however, will be added to the game sometime after the launch of Warlords of Draenor, and be available for in-game purchase.

Blizzard is being coy on the subject of cost, but their article emphasizes that it will cost "a pretty hefty sum of gold," so if you want it, best start saving now.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Blizzard unveils new products at San Diego Comic-Con

Blizzard revealed a fresh suite of swag at San Diego Comic-Con this week. Their new offerings include a pin program, hoodies featuring artwork from Carbot, new plushies,po wow new figurines, and more. It appears Blizzard's licensing trend is to make everything freaking adorable. I, for one, am perfectly okay with that.

You can see some of their new products on their panel recap or in our gallery of pictures from the show floor below.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Activision CEO Bobby Kotick was nearly fired by Vivendi

Anyone who's paid attention to the roller-coaster that is Activision's relationship with its former owner Vivendi, here's a new wrinkle for you. Activision CEO and perennial villain in a million fans' hearts Bobby Kotick was nearly let go by Vivendi in 2013 over his refusing to sign off on any deal that excluded his own private investment group.

According to the lawsuit filed in Delaware, this allowed Kotick, Brian Kelly (Activision's Chairman) and their investment partners (including Tencent Holdings Ltd.) to gain a 25% stake in the company at the same rate that Activision itself paid for the remainder. This is claimed to have allowed them to get away with not paying a premium for control over the company. The lawsuit alleges that this is an improper benefit to Kotick, Kelly and their group.

What's really fascinating is that Kotick's stand on this issue, going so far as to threaten to resign in 2013, seems to have been seriously considered by parent company Vivendi. Former Vivendi CEO Jean-Francois Dubos and then-CFO Phillipe Capron were among those speculating on firing Kotick, with Capron going so far as to volunteer to do it the very next day after the email exchange in May of 2013. Considering he was one of the highest paid CEO's of any game company, I'm surprised they chose to back down -- perhaps his contract made firing him punishingly expensive. In the end, Vivendi blinked first and Kotick and his group got to make exactly the deal that they're getting sued over now.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Mike Morhaime apologizes for lack of diversity in Blizzard games

It's been a bad year or so for women in Blizzard games, for a lot of reasons. At BlizzCon, Warlords of Draenor was described as a "boy's trip" that Aggra wasn't invited to -- which fits with the Warlords marketing material that shows almost exclusively male characters (a few women appear in the trailer and one in the art, but they're unnamed). But Warlords isn't the only concern: the company's April Fool's joke came off as tone-deaf to many, Heroes of the Storm uses female characters as eye candy (which game director Dustin Browder argued didn't send a message), and, recently, buy wow gold Rob Pardo stated in a talk at MIT that diversity wasn't really a value for the company.

Though Warlords has come a long way since BlizzCon and both Browder and Pardo apologized, the fact that any of these things were an issue in the first place is off-putting -- at best -- to female gamers. Even long-term Blizzard fans have started to wonder why they're continuing to play in a gaming world that didn't accept women amongst the cast of heroes. It's from this place of disappointment that Starcunning wrote to Mike Morhaime, explaining why she's walked away from Blizzard's games. The surprise, however, is that Mike Morhaime responded stressing Blizzard's commitment to listening to the playerbase and building games that are fun for everyone.