Sunday, August 31, 2014

As Mists of Pandaria continues to unravel its mysteries

As Mists of Pandaria continues to unravel its mysteries, there are bound to be a few bugs that crop up from time to time and we’re working diligently on getting each one addressed. For the pet battlers among you, here are some of the hotfixes we’ve recently applied to the game:

[09/28/2012] A bug has been fixed that caused turn inputs to sometimes be skipped, causing only one pet to take action that turn
[09/28/2012] Conceding in a random PVP Pet Battle should now count as a loss
[09/28/2012] State-dependent abilities should no longer have their effects reversed (example: Maul should correctly require that the target be Bleeding)
[09/29/2012] Many balance changes have been implemented (example: Build Turret now has a 2-round cooldown, up from 1) -- A full list of recent balance changes can be found here.
[10/05/2012] Issues relating to wow gold certain Pet Battles achievements have been hotfixed and should be functioning correctly across factions.

In addition, we’re investigating a possible issue with traps not upgrading and will get it resolved as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your continued feedback and bug reports. We appreciate your enthusiasm for this new feature, as well as the time you’ve taken to discuss the Pet Battle system!

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