Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I'll also say I think that going

I'll also say I think that going to 20 man based on other factors besides desire for class specific mechanics made far more sense. For example, 1) greater melee inclusion, 2) increasing local realm demand for raiders to bolster the community and reduce mega-realm transfer activity, 3) driving back mega-server guilds to other realms based on the increased competition for raiders, and 4) bolstering the community through larger guilds which tend to be less-closed knit and help people network friends of friends better.
acheter wow gold
Desire for class-specific mechanics would ultimately be pretty low on the list of reasons.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

I completely support having the option

EDIT: Also, I completely support having the option to use older models, if you so wish it. It could either be added to the Interface Options, or as another Barbershop feature. Or, as I suggested in another thread, perhaps as a new "Race-based glyph"?
World of Warcraft(EUR)
Same deal with Orcs and their hunch, I think. I'd really like to see them standing upright, but I also recognize there are many who don't like that idea as much. Options are always welcome.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Unless you have changed things over the years

Unless you have changed things over the years. When you beta tested old raid fights you often used groups that were not geared or had the best talent builds for the fights. The bosses still went down. Maybe instances and raids were a tad to hard however I think blizzard went to far trying to make everything to easy. The low instances don't need 5 players to clear. You don't even need tanks or heals depending on your party.
wow gold
Your idea that a character that had a odd build was some how sub par is based more on theory than game play experience . As a old raid leader some of those players did much better than the ones with cookie cutter builds because they were proud of their unique character builds. I was a paladin tank before they were the cool kids on the block. Once I showed I could do the same things as a warrior tank and some things better...people copied my odd build.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

After that I kept seeing you around the Blizzcon

After that I kept seeing you around the Blizzcon floor/at the blue booth and I was like, "Dear God I hope he doesn't recognize me/know who I am so he doesn't think I'm awkwardly following him around." but in a crowd of thousands of people, I know I was just another blur in a corgi t-shirt.
I can't say everything I WANT to say on the official forums because it's not as tactful about the community at large(though I posted it elsewhere) but I do want you to know that you will be greatly missed. You were a good dude with a great sense of humor. You'd HAVE to be to survive this community so long.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Raid finder is spectator mode

Raid finder is spectator mode. Like others have said, there are a few who actually do the raiding and the rest either watch, go on follow and a very few try but just aren't at the same level yet (iLevel, skill, or whatever).
If Blizzard offered an incentive for people that want to carry the spectators, then there would probably be a better caliber of player that would subject themselves to it. Maybe let the raid finders still get the 522 gear and the carriers get flex level.

But the developers must be intelligent

But the developers must be intelligent. I daresay intelligent enough to realize that simply implementing a new feature like this is going to do far more damage to the random matchmaking groups than many realize. We are once again heading for the BC model (which was horrible) where you either had to be part of the "in" crowd on your server or had to kiss a lot of rear ends to get anywhere at all in the game.
If it goes that way, WoW will be in real trouble. You tried that at the beginning of Cataclysm, and it bit ya. I have a feeling it will again. ATM, LFD & LFR are the backbone of the game (with its current player base).

This change WILL kill LFD/LFR, whether you are removing it or not.

It has no bearing on random groups

It has no bearing on random groups, those will still be put together by random matchmaking tools (LFD/LFR).
There is an argument to be made that it might pull more experienced players away from random matchmaking tools, but Blizzard just needs to tune LFR/LFD for the resulting audience.

I'm wondering how this will work in regards

I'm wondering how this will work in regards to random groups, from what I've read it sounds like this will basically be oqueue for all random groups. If that is the case it makes me wonder what information people will have when they are searching for people for their group. Will it simply say Tank/Healer/DPS or will it actually show classes/specs/item levels?
To me this would lead to class bias in random groups mostly among DPS. Should mages/locks/etc really get shorter "queues" because their class is stronger than others? Though blizzard said in an interview that they consider Siege of Orgrimmar to be melee friendly, I don't really see it that way and if LFR players were allowed to pick who joined their group I'm pretty sure melee would have much longer queues than ranged. And if ilvl was shown in the queue I think people who have the minimum ilvl for the zone would almost never get selected.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

you got for certain things

When I was a kid in elementary school we had this teacher that used to do that. I was in classes for advanced reading and history and he made this whole big thing out of what color M&M www.euwowgold.fr you got for certain things.
Green M&Ms were the brain ones cause....they were booger color....his thing not ours :P lol

This totally made me think of that whole game thing he did. Green M&Ms!!!