Friday, April 10, 2015

I'm wondering how this will work in regards

I'm wondering how this will work in regards to random groups, from what I've read it sounds like this will basically be oqueue for all random groups. If that is the case it makes me wonder what information people will have when they are searching for people for their group. Will it simply say Tank/Healer/DPS or will it actually show classes/specs/item levels?
To me this would lead to class bias in random groups mostly among DPS. Should mages/locks/etc really get shorter "queues" because their class is stronger than others? Though blizzard said in an interview that they consider Siege of Orgrimmar to be melee friendly, I don't really see it that way and if LFR players were allowed to pick who joined their group I'm pretty sure melee would have much longer queues than ranged. And if ilvl was shown in the queue I think people who have the minimum ilvl for the zone would almost never get selected.

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