Wednesday, October 29, 2014

bosses went down without much fuss

When I used the guides I created, people generally read them and were on board and bosses went down without much fuss. It worked.

Now, I don't expect everyone should be required to do this level of extra work to succeed at this game. That's what guilds are for. There's always someone like me in a guild who wants to pwn new content and will help everyone else through it. Guild runs are the only wow gold reason I didn't lose my sanity during the first few weeks of this xpac.

However, if you are a glutton for punishment and want to pug your way through leveling and heroics, don't whine that you don't want to take the time to figure out the fights outside of the game, that it's like work and this is a game and you just wanna play and why can't everyone be nice and tell you what to do? Because this game is six years old, is very complex, and players are expected to be familiar with the insanely good web resources that have been teaching people how to play WoW better for literally years.

Monday, October 27, 2014

a tip and don't get a rude response to it

You know i have been playing this game for a long time now, longer than id like to admit. I'm pretty hard on my guys when we raid but when i do a random i don't expect everyone to know everything, as long as when i offer a tip and don't get a rude response to it. I was in a random just yesterday with an undergeared tank that had no idea what he was doing, but he was the nicest guy so we wiped 8 or 10 times while he figured it out,euwowgold we cycled in and out 3 or 4 dps with 1 rogue that stuck around.

Point is, to say that people who have "been around the block" in this game are mostly elitist or don't wanna help you out isn't fair. Alot of us don't mind giving a new tank a few attempts in a heroic or sending 20 tells/hopping on vent to explain a raid encounter that we have on farm. If you are respectful and show common sense as you would if you went to a mechanic to ask him how to change the oil in you car, you will get respect in return.

If i am heading into a raid and don't have time i would say, "hey i am about to raid, send me a tell when i am done and ill see what i can to do to help out." but this is where people who require that help get upset and think they are being blown off. I don't not mind helping people but it isn't my job, so if i say i don't have time right now. Ask someone else or wait on me to get back with you.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

you will discover that most of them are removed by phasing

I just want to make sure you are aware that phasing impacts skinning too, not just the node-based gathering skills. If you list the "best" savage leather skinning locations in Azeroth, you will discover that most of them are removed by phasing.

Examples include the chars in hyjal that get phased out once you free the old turtle, as well as the forest full of foxes and wolves which get phased out when it becomes an oasis after you complete a quest chain in uldum.

In a very real way, players are punished for completing quests. The more quests you complete, the more vital gathering resources are phased out. I also believe this is the reason that supply of crafting mats has been more scarce than anticipated. Your designers probably calculated the correct number of nodes and skinnable mobs. Unfortunately, something in the order of 50 to 75% of them all become phased and unreachable at any given time.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

the recent death knight changes

I think this is a good opportunity to clarify our intentions regarding some of the recent death knight changes.

Going from 4.0.3 to 4.0.6, our goal was to lower Unholy death knight damage and raise mobility. Our 4.0.6 changes didn’t quite hit the mark (we undershot on damage and overshot on mobility), so we had to make additional adjustments. The nerfs to Death Coil and pet damage in 4.0.6 were never intended to compensate for the addition of Death's Advance, but were completely separate and PvE motivated. We felt that Unholy damage was too high in most PvE encounters, and it was necessary to reduce their dps output as a result. The mastery buff compensated for the intended adjustments a bit too much, so it was necessary to tune down those abilities again. An additional bug fix was also applied to Death and Decay that should not affect damage and was not a part of these balance adjustments.

the recent death knight changes

I think this is a good opportunity to clarify our intentions regarding some of the recent death knight changes.

Going from 4.0.3 to 4.0.6, our goal was to lower Unholy death knight damage and raise mobility. Our 4.0.6 changes didn’t quite hit the mark (we undershot on damage and overshot on mobility), so we had to make additional adjustments. The nerfs to Death Coil and pet damage in 4.0.6 were never intended to compensate for the addition of Death's Advance, but were completely separate and PvE motivated. We felt that Unholy damage was too high in most PvE encounters, and it was necessary to reduce their dps output as a result. The mastery buff compensated for the intended adjustments a bit too much, so it was necessary to tune down those abilities again. An additional bug fix was also applied to Death and Decay that should not affect damage and was not a part of these balance adjustments.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

the numbers were chosen totally at random

Sometimes it can be difficult to find a good "sweet spot" when choosing cooldowns for groups of similar items such as those obtained through Archaeology. We don't want all the cooldowns to be exactly the same, but we also don't want it to feel like the numbers were chosen totally at random. We may not always get the values right initially, so knowing what feels good to you and what doesn't -- and why-- is really helpful.

So, basically: thanks for postin'.wow po We really appreciate this kind of feedback. If you've any additional criticisms or thoughts about Archaeology item cooldowns, please feel free to share them (constructively, of course). :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

about this is that the CD is 20 seconds

One of the things that's bugging me about this is that the CD is 20 seconds. 18 seconds would make more sense to me since that's 6 CS's (for prot) so at the moment, it feels like you're encouraging people to waste a crusader strike so that you can use WoG as soon wow gold fr as it's off CD rather than waiting for 3 HoPo to build up again.

Still, good to see a blue post on this. /highfive

Monday, October 13, 2014

When PvP'ers won Wintergrasp

When PvP'ers won Wintergrasp, and now Tol Barad, they got rewarded with a PvE experience, ie. a PvE raid boss. That seems counterintuitive and backwards to me. Why not have PvP-centric rewards for these PvP battles? Perhaps a buff in Battlegrounds/Arenas for the po world of Warcraft winning faction? Or let's say Horde wins...Alliance NPCs receive a debuff thereby encouraging PvP elsewhere in the world. You don't reward PvE raiders with Honor Points or PvP Battlegrounds...why reward PvP'ers with PvE content?

Friday, October 10, 2014

this is exactly what we're doing in 4.1

Nope. In fact, this is exactly what we're doing in 4.1. :)

Right now, you receive 70 VP for the first random Cataclysm Heroic dungeon you complete each day. In 4.1, you'll receive 70 VP for the first seven random Cataclysm Heroic dungeons you complete each week. Similarly, you'll receive 140 VP for the first seven random Rise of the Zandalari Heroic dungeons (the new Zul'Aman and Zul'Gurub instances) you complete in the week, too. Collectively, you'll be able to earn up to 980 VP max exclusively from Heroic dungeons, which in turn will count towards your weekly 1250 VP cap.

By transitioning random or world of Warcraft Heroic dungeon rewards from a daily format to a weekly one, we'll be able to give players more control and flexibility over how they can earn VP -- which is cool! -- but this also means that we've a lot more bookkeeping to do in terms of where those points are coming from. To help with that, we're adding a "Valor Point bar" (similar to an XP bar) to the top of Dungeon Finder UI that will track your weekly cap, as well as how many Heroics you can still run for VP during the week.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

overly popular until Orcs and Humans

The person you quoted didn't say Blizzard invented the RTS genre, but you'd be naive to claim that they weren't the ones that popularized it, because they absolutely were. RTS games have existed since the early 80's, but never became overly popular until Orcs and Humans.

None of the games prior to Warcraft ever saw the level of popularity and exposure that Warcraft Orcs and Humans saw. Try and find one that did. The closest you'll get is Dune II, World of Warcraft Gold and there's no denying the success (and long lasting impact) each game saw (Warcraft blew it out of the water. You can thank Westwood for spending time developing and marketing the game for inferior systems like MegaDrive and RISC OS) instead of having a singular focus like Blizzard did.

Monday, October 6, 2014

these Q&As to announce new features

Don't post or vote for questions you know we won't answer. We're not going to use these Q&As to announce new features, expansions, or release dates, etc. By the same token, we're not going to answer questions that touch on subjects outside of the game and its design.

Stay on topic! We’re asking for questions regarding a specific topic, if your question isn’t on that topic it’ll probably be down-voted to obscurity by other posters, and more than likely deleted by us.

Keep your question of Warcraft po One to three sentences should be plenty to explain background and ask a question.

Vote for any and all questions you would like to see answered.

All votes count. While you can't see vote #'s, we can. Even if a post is highly rated, your vote still means something to that question (potentially) being answered.