Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Your attitude is garbage but w/e

Your attitude is garbage but w/e.

I don't need to play a shadow priest to see how they are struggling since I been playing with a number of them since the season started.
I have said over, and over again in a number of threads that Shadow Priest need help being able to do something while trained.

I am on your side. I just am not on your side when it comes to a 15% damage reduction that you don't need.

But please explain how having a 15% damage reduction is going to help you get off more VTs while being trained by Warrior/DK or Warrior/Lock, or Warrior/Hunter?

Saturday, May 30, 2015

LOL i am from skullcrusher and its already World of Warcraft Gold

LOL i am from skullcrusher and its already a horde mob fest the solution is push this crappy ratio onto even more people and make the problem even more obvious? What exactly is this supposed to be fixing? There are countless other realms out there with opposite ratio that would actually make sense to merge and we get another horde heavy realm why?World of Warcraft Gold

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Once we got to Thok it was a horror show

Once we got to Thok it was a horror show. Even when people stopped dying to Thok hungie in p2, beating the soft enrage timer was a massive pain and actually asking Flex healers to delay p1 when the damage output/interupts is almost the same as normal is quite hilarious. or wow When it started getting late and after multiple wipes we decided to remove the lowest DPSers and Healers and did it as a 20m. We 1 shot it with ease. The HPS/Coordination requirement for p1, and the general DPS requirement for the fight is overtuned for Flex. Like I said we easily beat it once we kicked our Friends who weren't doing enough damage/healing but that shouldn't be Flex is about. We easily beat the hard enrage timers for the 2 previous fights yet struggled hard on Thok, seems like a scaling issue.

Thok gets harder the more people you invite

Thok gets harder the more people you invite, a lot harder.

We had a full 25man guild run (most of our 2 10mans were there with random friends in the guild and others outside the guild), most of us are overgeared for it for sure, but Im no asking for buffs to fights, I think they are all tuned pretty well. But this is how our run went.
or wow
Malkorok after a couple of tries easily beating the enrage timer, and not even close to the 2nd Blood rage.

Spoils was next and we managed to 1 shot with tons of time to spare.

There seems to be more people playing

There seems to be more people playing and enjoying this game right now, and more runs for me to do on my alts while I wait for Connected Realms (coming soon™ - don't get me started). And that is because of Flex. Thank you. Now, please take it seriously. And address concerns about it seriously so that it sticks around.
or wow
And for the love of Yogg-Saron, if you are going to respond to my post, for once please do not try to explain your way out of it. Just simply apologize for a slip up. Maybe it was just a poor choice of wording. Say you are sorry for having implied that Flex is not important to some people and let's move on. Otherwise, just ignore my post. Thanks!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

I'm glad they are meshing horde heavy realm

I'm glad they are meshing horde heavy realms with horde heavy realms. Perhaps it will result in there being an alliance heavy realm to combine with Destromath. We need some freakin' balance. wow po

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

How healthy is Blackrocks Horde population?

How healthy is Blackrocks Horde population? Last I recall it was a very healthy realm, so basing it off my own recollection it's not likely to be connected to anyone. if correct would seem to suggest it won't be connected. wow or

Friday, May 15, 2015

One if the most memorable WoW quests

One if the most memorable WoW quests complete with one of the most memorable pets. I just remember people po wow entering raids and there would be like five of them at once. Glorious I say.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

I can maybe see Goblins not needing an update

I can maybe see Goblins not needing an update, and absolutely agree that Pandaren are amazing as they are.

But the Worgen Female, if nothing else, deserves a look. The goblin female has a ton of different facial meshes, rather than just textures, and she's really great. The males are really good, too. I'm not sure that they're quite as expressive as the Pandaren, but Goblins are nice.
acheter wow po
Worgen Female needs an update more than some older races like Draenei/BE do. There's something really off about them and they're creepy, and not because they're essentially werewolves. They have next to no face options, no real hair options, no expressiveness at all to their faces, which is unnerving given the relatively high quality mesh and textures -- compared to the old races, not so much goblins or pandaren -- they're just in that odd perpetual snarl. The only thing less expressive in the game is Jaina's current utterly unmoving face (again, unnerving). I hate to say this, as I have nothing but respect for your art team (they do some lovely work), but Worgen seem rushed and/or unfinished. Which really wouldn't surprise me if it was a bit rushed given how quickly this model came out after the first model. And since you're redoing sounds for the races, Worgen could use a look there, too.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I'll also say I think that going

I'll also say I think that going to 20 man based on other factors besides desire for class specific mechanics made far more sense. For example, 1) greater melee inclusion, 2) increasing local realm demand for raiders to bolster the community and reduce mega-realm transfer activity, 3) driving back mega-server guilds to other realms based on the increased competition for raiders, and 4) bolstering the community through larger guilds which tend to be less-closed knit and help people network friends of friends better.
acheter wow gold
Desire for class-specific mechanics would ultimately be pretty low on the list of reasons.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

I completely support having the option

EDIT: Also, I completely support having the option to use older models, if you so wish it. It could either be added to the Interface Options, or as another Barbershop feature. Or, as I suggested in another thread, perhaps as a new "Race-based glyph"?
World of Warcraft(EUR)
Same deal with Orcs and their hunch, I think. I'd really like to see them standing upright, but I also recognize there are many who don't like that idea as much. Options are always welcome.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Unless you have changed things over the years

Unless you have changed things over the years. When you beta tested old raid fights you often used groups that were not geared or had the best talent builds for the fights. The bosses still went down. Maybe instances and raids were a tad to hard however I think blizzard went to far trying to make everything to easy. The low instances don't need 5 players to clear. You don't even need tanks or heals depending on your party.
wow gold
Your idea that a character that had a odd build was some how sub par is based more on theory than game play experience . As a old raid leader some of those players did much better than the ones with cookie cutter builds because they were proud of their unique character builds. I was a paladin tank before they were the cool kids on the block. Once I showed I could do the same things as a warrior tank and some things better...people copied my odd build.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

After that I kept seeing you around the Blizzcon

After that I kept seeing you around the Blizzcon floor/at the blue booth and I was like, "Dear God I hope he doesn't recognize me/know who I am so he doesn't think I'm awkwardly following him around." but in a crowd of thousands of people, I know I was just another blur in a corgi t-shirt.
I can't say everything I WANT to say on the official forums because it's not as tactful about the community at large(though I posted it elsewhere) but I do want you to know that you will be greatly missed. You were a good dude with a great sense of humor. You'd HAVE to be to survive this community so long.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Raid finder is spectator mode

Raid finder is spectator mode. Like others have said, there are a few who actually do the raiding and the rest either watch, go on follow and a very few try but just aren't at the same level yet (iLevel, skill, or whatever).
If Blizzard offered an incentive for people that want to carry the spectators, then there would probably be a better caliber of player that would subject themselves to it. Maybe let the raid finders still get the 522 gear and the carriers get flex level.

But the developers must be intelligent

But the developers must be intelligent. I daresay intelligent enough to realize that simply implementing a new feature like this is going to do far more damage to the random matchmaking groups than many realize. We are once again heading for the BC model (which was horrible) where you either had to be part of the "in" crowd on your server or had to kiss a lot of rear ends to get anywhere at all in the game.
If it goes that way, WoW will be in real trouble. You tried that at the beginning of Cataclysm, and it bit ya. I have a feeling it will again. ATM, LFD & LFR are the backbone of the game (with its current player base).

This change WILL kill LFD/LFR, whether you are removing it or not.

It has no bearing on random groups

It has no bearing on random groups, those will still be put together by random matchmaking tools (LFD/LFR).
There is an argument to be made that it might pull more experienced players away from random matchmaking tools, but Blizzard just needs to tune LFR/LFD for the resulting audience.

I'm wondering how this will work in regards

I'm wondering how this will work in regards to random groups, from what I've read it sounds like this will basically be oqueue for all random groups. If that is the case it makes me wonder what information people will have when they are searching for people for their group. Will it simply say Tank/Healer/DPS or will it actually show classes/specs/item levels?
To me this would lead to class bias in random groups mostly among DPS. Should mages/locks/etc really get shorter "queues" because their class is stronger than others? Though blizzard said in an interview that they consider Siege of Orgrimmar to be melee friendly, I don't really see it that way and if LFR players were allowed to pick who joined their group I'm pretty sure melee would have much longer queues than ranged. And if ilvl was shown in the queue I think people who have the minimum ilvl for the zone would almost never get selected.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

you got for certain things

When I was a kid in elementary school we had this teacher that used to do that. I was in classes for advanced reading and history and he made this whole big thing out of what color M&M you got for certain things.
Green M&Ms were the brain ones cause....they were booger color....his thing not ours :P lol

This totally made me think of that whole game thing he did. Green M&Ms!!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Only thing you need to consider

Excellent post. Only thing you need to consider was that most normal mode raiders in Throne of Thunder got their legendary cloaks in the first week of 5.4, I know all but 2 of our members did. That made a big difference, but your point still stands. You don't need flex gear to do normals, nor do you need LFR gear to do flex. It does help though. wow po

Saturday, March 28, 2015

You should create a new post with all the item

You should create a new post with all the items that can go in both the "Toy" and "Heirloom" tabs. That way players could discuss any items they believe should be added or removed from either tab.
wow gold fr
From the looks of it, the Toy Box will consist of non-consumable, non-gear items that provide only vanity effects.
However, from the screenshots we see that the Cursed Swabby Helmet is in it and it provides utility in the form of a 200% swim speed and water breathing buff. Will other utility items (like the Aqua Jewel or Salyin Battle Banner) be in the Toy Box as well?

The Heirloom tab seems to consist of scaling gear from the screenshot.
However, will BoA gear from archeology and world objects in Pandaria be included? If so, how will the item upgrades be handled? And how will the 1-80 versus 1-85 gear appear in the tab (will they both be available or will the 1-85 overwrite the 1-80)?

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Mechanical Greench and Mechanical Yeti?

How bout items like Mechanical Greench and Mechanical Yeti? I know Dog Whistle used to have charges too but it was changed into a trinket in cataclysm.
-How bout removed items like Dog Whistle and removed quest items like Dartol's Rod of Transformation or Ectoplasmic Distiller? Will a system like item restoration be implemented for these types of items? Or perhaps reintroducing these items by having to buy them through a vendor like Stave of Fur and Claw (not nerfed ofc unlike this item).po world of Warcraft
-One more thing, will items like Stave of Fur and Claw have its cooldown reduced to its original version Dartol's Rod of Transformation. These new vanity items with super long cooldowns are not cool Blizz

Thursday, March 19, 2015

For how do I get Y there are often long

For how do I get Y, there are often long written or video guides floating about on anything complicated or difficult. On much simpler matters its often the case that you don't need a guide in the first place but I'm sure there are guides for those types of things too. Trying to explain something complicated, long, or multi step like how to get the legendary cloak in its entirety. Without having it take a while as well as or world of Warcraft there being even more questions about the process's individual steps is not something most players would voluntarily go through every time they happen to see the question. Doubly so when there are much more thorough and complete guides and even videos as to the process and all its steps that can easily be found through a simple Google or Youtube search. Both of which I feel can find results that will provide the person seeking help a much better understanding than just a few quick and trimmed lines of text from the average player.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Man, I am way too verbose for Twitter!

Man, I am way too verbose for Twitter! 140 characters and I lose the ability to create sentences!

It had occurred to me while reading the post that the gear separation between pve and pvp gear is great for rated pvp activities and for raids feels intuitive in those instances;World of Warcraft Gold but, for almost every other instance of the game it feels weird.

Would it feel more intuitive for players if, in PvP, players with no PvP gear faced a penalty in rated PvP instances (RBGs and Arenas) that was overcome by using PvP gear? PvP Power would still exist in the manner you described above, but the PvP would also negate the penalty on a flat percentage basis (say, 1/# of major armor slots) until the penalty was reduced. On the flip side, in raids PvP Power wouldn't be effective, thus making PvP gear less attractive for raiding, and preserving the gearing process for both streams.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

It's your fault for displaying yourself in such a way

It's your fault for displaying yourself in such a way. Social media has always been a competition to see who can be the biggest... well, you know. That's why I don't of Warcraft po If you don't want to be seen in that way - and seeing as you took the time to respond to it, we know it got to you - then don't display yourself in such a way. Don't blame social media for the way people think of you. You made them think that way.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Gladius gives you information that you

Gladius gives you information that you can watch for but makes it easier manage since there is a ton of stuff going on in the game.

Using an outside program to play the game for you is something else entirely.

Using a bot that will acheter wow gold interrupt spells for you with no interaction other then when you typed in whatever spells you want it to stop is not the same thing as Gladius..

Using a healing sphere bot to place orbs directly under the target instead of having to place them isn't like gladius. That is pretty much altering the spell in a way that was never intended.

Using bots to level characters and farm for you while you are at work isn't the same thing as Gladius.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Some of them have been gloating like crazy for months now

Some of them have been gloating like crazy for months now... in willful ignorance.

Things like "PVE gear is from killing dragons/gods and PvP gear comes from killing some dude with a dagger, thats why PvE ilevel is higher than PvP"

If they'd only looked at wow gold the PvP achievement section of every toon's Armory they'd have seen that Prideful Season was coming.

Every season gets a step up in gear.

Every dog gets his day.

Saturday, February 28, 2015


Edited for auto correct messing things up.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

They would still be separate

They would still be separate. Not much would change for the one with short queues. Alliance would still mostly face horde. I feel this would really even out the winrates as horde who win 80% of their games may be knocked down a peg since they would or world of Warcraft also face other horde groups. Alliance in av/ioc would be knocked down a peg as well, as they would likely face other alliance teams in most matches. I see no harm in it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I agree that specs shouldn't be able to use 100%

I agree that specs shouldn't be able to use 100% of their DPS while on the move all the time. KJC was a good example of why that was problematic, and hunters, arguably, have the po world of Warcraft same sort of issue. However, having something to do while moving is a HUGE part of the caster toolkit, and it's something that needs to be preserved to prevent the same problems from coming up again.

Movement makes for dynamic fights. Don't ruin that by making half the raid need to be completely immobile to be useful (again).

Monday, February 16, 2015

I'd be happy if they were to implement

I'd be happy if they were to implement a system similar to LFG, where it was 70-80 points for the first win of the day, and then 35-40 for each one after of Warcraft po

Granted the caps for PvP and PvE are different, but skirmishes would be the scenarios of PvP

Friday, February 13, 2015

So if this bug glitched out a players mounts

Mailed to us? So if this bug glitched out a players mounts, and you fix them by "re-mailing them", what if they don't login to check their in-game mail ? My girlfriend's sub expired last night, and she has some store bought mounts I paid for. Since she can not currently login to her account, can we assume these will be properly credited to the account?
(asking since mail is deleted after 30 days, and she won't be playing again until WoD comes out )

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

This is what all of the world PvP

World of Warcraft Gold zones should have been to begin with. I'm kind of confused why you guys only just now figured this out.

I remember being severely disappointed when Wintergrasp came out and it turned out to be just another 10-15 minute battleground that only included your own server... and then Tol Barad came out in the next expansion with absolutely nothing learned, and the same exact gameplay yet again. To a lesser extent, I even felt the same way with Halaa - but Halaa carried more of a weight of utter pointlessness to it instead, so I guess I never equated it to even being that type of thing at all.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Interesting choices can offer depth

"Interesting choices can offer depth and complexity without needing to be numerous and overwhelming for the sake of being overwhelming."

Why not offer more depth and complexity for the sake of making a better game? It's not simply for the sake of being overwhelming.
or wow
I play WoW because it is complex and deep, and more complexity and depth would only make the game even more enjoyable for me. Surely I can't be the only one who feels this way. At the same time I understand this complexity may confuse some. Is there not a way to both make the game more complex and deep, while making it possible to engage in only some of the choices for those who do not want the game to be so complex?

For example, rather than removing secondary stats, make them far less effective, i.e., reduce by 75%, so while the game remains deep, if people do not want to engage in that depth, they are only very minimally affected.

Monday, February 2, 2015

I'm not entirely sure Wrath is my personal

I'm not entirely sure Wrath is my personal ideal setup but anything is better than just adding more and more rng randomness to the game. For those of us who weren't born with 4 leaf clovers shoved up our backsides anything that provides a definite reward for wow po a prescribed effort is a godsend. Its bad enough we are going to be at the mercy of the Diablo style loot drops but "streamlining" currency and pawning that off onto more random loot rolls is a killer.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Or divine star in the case of a fully stacked raid

Or divine star in the case of a fully stacked raid.... Sarcasm and condescension aside you'll still be perfectly capable of using any of these talents in a PVE situation whether they are instant or have a 1.5s cast-time. Since PVE encounters rarely feature interrupts the only change by pushing those abilities to a 1.5s cast-time is a minor loss of mobility and the timing, particularly for cascade/halo. All else being equal the HPM, HPS and healing output on those abilities remains the same.

You might wow or be able to say the 1.5s cast-time could lead to someone watching the encounter from the floor, whereas if they were instant this possibly wouldn't be the case. However, cases where an instant keeps someone alive but a 1.5s cast doesn't aren't incredibly common. In addition, these are AoE healing abilities we're talking about. You're probably timing the cast of those abilities to land just as the damage hits anyway, much like you do now.

The only current encounter where I could see it being a huge change is Thok. Of course that is a horrible concept they should never revisit for future encounters anyway.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

This challenge is indeed impossible.

This challenge is indeed, impossible.

I tried it with what I would think to be the best candidate for this challenge... 2 Pint-Sized Pink Pachyderms. They are H/P (161 hp 12a/9s) High health and damage... speed doesnt matter this fight. This pet has the highest damage move out of any other pet(unless you picked a P/P pet w/ another 85% change to hit move but the health lost means they could easily die in 3 hits from the 1st snake as opposed to 4)
po wow
Each of the snakes abilities are 100% hit.. there is no way in heck they will miss..the chance to winning due to RNG is out the window(even if you crit the snacks with all of your attacks).

I did this fight about 25 times and after i went through that stack of bandages i decided to call it quits. My best attempt I was able to kill the 1st snake and get 1 hit off on the 2nd. I highly doubt this challenge can be done and if someone claims to Id need to see some proof, lol.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

select LFR difficulty from a drop down menu

Any ability to let us go back and do old raids on LFR difficulty at max level? (eg, select LFR difficulty from a drop down menu)
acheter wow po
Specific reason for this is there are some unique tier colorations only available through LFR and its ironic some of the rarest transmog sets are LFR sets from Dragon Soul because you basically can't do it.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Excellent, excellent, excellent, FIGHT

That's right. Ten hours of the Mortal Kombat theme. Why? Because Mortal Kombat. Let's do this.acheter wow gold

valencemagi asks:
Q4tQ: is there any way to rename Lt. Thorn to something else? Like, I dunno, Lt Harshwhinny? Asking for a friend.

No, and I think your friend is mean. Lt. Thorn's a lovely person once you get to know her.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hotfixes for January 13

After today's long maintenance,another list of hotfixes has been revealed. Some highlights today include:World of Warcraft(EUR)
Blackrock Caverns: Rom'ogg Bonecrusher's Skullcracker ability should now correctly deal damage to Angered Earth elementals, allowing the achievement Crushing Bones and Cracking Skulls to be completed.
Arathi Basin: Players should now always have a fixed 25-second resurrection timer while in a Rated Battleground match.
Many garrison items, such as Salvage Crates, now stack to 20
The full list of hotfixes can be found below. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

forum reader version of what he said

I love Crithto, he's wow gold my fave puppy on the forums. He's also unfailingly polite and diplomatic and politically correct. My post is the down and dirty verbose forum reader version of what he said.

What I see happen before every single xpac and I've seen them ALL. Always people like you who think that no complaints would make Blizzard make everything go Live, no matter what their tests show or numbers prove.

Like you know better than the people who actually work on this game for a living.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The problem with that is euwowgold

The problem with that is,euwowgold what would happen if the proposed connection got changed? How many people would be upset because they had started making plans with that proposed realm, only to have that realm change?

It is a no win situation for Blizzard. People are going to be mad waiting for information on their realm, or they will be mad if a proposed realm connection gets changed. It sucks waiting, it sucks that this has slowed down (even halted at the moment). Hopefully now that PAX East is over, things will pick up again.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Pick up Peckers the Majestic for your garrison

Sure, collecting followers for your garrison is pretty fun -- after all, they head out on missions and can potentially bring you back all kinds of valuable rewards. But what about your garrison while everyone is away? Oddly enough, there are a few different potential garrison denizens that aren't followers. You'll never send them on a single mission. But they'll come hang out at your garrison anyway, if you go out of your way and rescue them from whatever unfortunate situation they've accidentally stumbled into.

That's where Peckers the Majestic comes in. This fearsome looking raptor will gladly follow you back to your garrison if you take the time to help him out. Don't expect him to be too terribly friendly, though. While you can pet the raptor, he'll respond by promptly giving you a swift kick and running away. Apparently, he's been taking lessons from Ruthers the bad yak. Yet despite his temperamental disposition, he's a pretty cool addition to any garrison -- so how do you get this ornery raptor? You'll want to head to Gorgrond.

Friday, January 2, 2015

I payed 1000g for flight

I payed 1000g for flight, 4500g for fast flight, and 5000g for faster flight and all my toons that have the lvl to do so with, (were talking 6 or 7 toons with more comeing, were talking arrouind 73k gold at least here). If i cant fly away from the %^&*$%^ gankers on dreanor, (the base resone i have flight). I will not be buying the expac.

As far as im conserned the ppl that want pvp have every right to pvp "in the BGs, Arena,s World Pvp zones, and duels. they have no right to just walk up n bash some lowbie on the head just cuz its that guys unlucky day.

im still pissed that all my lvl 85 toons cant fly untill they reach 90, in WOTLK once i got my main to lvl 80 i was able to give flight to all my 70+ alts for that contenent, why the hell cant i at lest do that in MOP.

and gankers are never interested in a "fair fight" so forcing pve players to fill there bags up with an extra set of gear is not the answer. gankers only attack when someone has just pulled a world mob.